The terms of use list the terms and conditions under which the website, which belongs to the company KYANIDIS ENERGY & CO. O.E., operates.

KYANIDIS ENERGY through this website offers the visitor the opportunity to be informed about the services offered by the company, the programs it implements and the actions in which it participates, as well as to communicate with the company’s staff. The website also offers original information texts and educational tools about the company’s topics, which aim to raise awareness and activate users.

By using the website, the visitor has studied and accepted the terms of use recorded in this text. KYANIDIS ENERGY reserves the right to modify the terms of use and this publication policy so that they always comply with the legal requirements governing the operation of the websites. It is also obliged to inform the visitor of any change from this page.

A. Intellectual Property Rights

KYANIDIS ENERGY reserves the rights for all the content published on its website, including texts, services, photos and information about all the programs and actions it plans and implements.

More specifically, photographs showing the faces of beneficiaries during events and activities carried out by KYANIDIS ENERGY are published only after the consent of these individuals. In the same logic of data protection policy, the content of projects which are implemented in collaboration with partner organizations is published with their approval and with mutual acceptance of the terms of publication of all materials produced during these projects. The copyright of the materials of the different projects follows the terms of the respective funder and the agreement signed between those who worked on their design and implementation.

For the above reasons, any reproduction, publication, presentation, transfer or use in other ways and for commercial purposes of part or all of the content of the website is prohibited without prior communication with KYANIDIS ENERGY and its written permission. Excluded from the above permission is the personal use of the content by the visitor, who can copy, save or print information, but with reference to the source of their origin.

B. Linking to third-party websites

The KYANIDIS ENERGY website may refer the visitor to third-party websites through the use of links, hyperlinks, banners.

The useful links and all the links present on the website do not necessarily express the views of KYANIDES ENERGY, which assumes no responsibility for the validity and legality of the material they contain. The material referred to in these links has been published under the responsibility of the respective organization that manages the respective website.

Reprints of articles and interviews that have been published by the press are made with full reference to the medium that published the respective text, the exact date of their publication and the name of the editor where this is known.

C. Personal Data

KYANIDIS ENERGY is bound by these Terms of Use for the safe management and protection of the personal data of its website visitors as well as its exclusive use.

Personal Data Protection Policy

What categories of data we collect:

The collection of personal data (name, surname, occupation, e-mail address, telephone) is done with the visitor’s consent and the data is kept for as long as he wishes for exclusive use by the company and in no case by third parties.

For what purpose:

KYANIDIS ENERGY may use these data for informational purposes by sending electronic mail, unless the visitor does not wish it, as well as for statistical reasons in order to improve the services it provides.


The personal data are not shared with third parties and are managed by the competent positions of KYANIDIS ENERGY. Personal data is kept for a period of up to five (5) years from its collection. KYANIDIS ENERGY maintains personal data on the mailchimp platform and on a certain company computer.

D. Cookies Usage

D.1. What is cookies

Cookies are small text files that are sent to the browser when someone visits a website. The basic function of cookies is to remember information for statistical purposes. The information collected in this way is not connected to the personal data of the visitors and is used to create a safer and more efficient environment for the visitors.

D.2. Cookies we use on the website

On our site we use cookies related to administrator accounts and their credentials. We also use cookies regarding the comments posted on our page, just as our website keeps cookies regarding the information filled in any contact form you find on our page (e.g. email, name, subject, etc.).

D.3. Management of cookies

In case you do not wish to use cookies, you can block their creation from the settings of the browser you are using. You can learn more about cookies and their management at

E. Limitation of Liability

KYANIDIS ENERGY makes every effort to ensure that the content of the website is accurate, sufficient and true and that the visitor browses in a safe environment.

In no case, the company is not responsible for any omission or wrong information nor for the possible delay or interruption in the transmission of the content to the visitor. The company does not assume responsibility, also, for any damage of the visitor, who acts on the basis of his own will.